Rishikesh – Day 10, 11 and 12

Had some virgin mojito which had sprite and some sugar syrup to accompany my lunch.

Baby carrying got a bit intense.

But I was proud of not succumbing to tons and tons of delicious options at bakeries. Especially the fucking cheesecakes.

Life without sugar has certainly lowered mucus production. And I also feel slightly less inflamed.

Energy levels are also slowly improving. I can feel a surge of consistent energy instead of the manic highs and lows.

At one level, I don’t miss sugar in a way it consumed me. Fasting is magical for awareness.

I recommend it to myself (and you) for all things that have consumed me.

Fast from work to recognise how much of it is just a pavlovian action.

It’s only 12 days but it feels so much longer.

Now the hard task of giving away all the sugar at home. May be it won’t be that hard.

Beginning to glimpse a world where less is freeing, and easy.