Day 6

Sugar would be nice right now. In another time, I’d be having vietnamese iced coffee icecream from MeeMee’s right now.

But instead, I’m having water. A part of me feels great though. The craving is becoming more cerebral and less urgent. It feels like I have more input to my mind on this. I can have a conversation, you know.

Sure, you feel like it. But let’s have a glass of water and see how we feel about it?

I couldn’t do that earlier. It felt like I was plugged into an inescapable matrix. I’m feeling early signs of mindfulness.

This version of me doesn’t want to be imposing and dictatorial. I’m always reminded of the freedom my parents gave me to make my own choices. It’s helping me make these decisions now.

And I’d continue to want the same for Aria and me. To communicate, understand and build a mindful relationship with foods and substances that can harm if abused.

But to get to healthy, we must plug out of the obsession first. This challenge is that journey.