Category: Challenges

  • 6 Months – Sugar Out

    After 30 good days of no processed sugar, I’ve had 10 odd days of going back to it. The good news – it’s just not the same anymore. It’s like going back to a toxic ex. There’s a longing. But the reality doesn’t live up to the desire anymore.

    So this time around, I’m pushing my range. 6 months. We go cold turkey starting today and most likely, I’ll have a little birthday sugar to celebrate on the 29th of July, 2024 (if I feel like then).

    Making this public and sharing with you, because you’ve been a part of my growth journey.

  • Day 30

    30 days since I dropped processed sugar. A month ago, I didn’t think I had the will power to pursue it. But here we are.

    Well done to me!

    I’ve been to a fancy wedding in Jodhpur, a fun trip to Rishikesh and many dinners and social settings in which I’ve said NO to some delicious sweet things.

    But you know what, I’m no longer consumed by it. I can feel the reset. It’s liberating.

    That is a win in itself.

    But I haven’t yet fully experienced the upsides of dropping it. While I have a more consistent source of energy and I don’t crash as much, it’s still no magic pill.

    But we will continue this, because I really like the ability, freedom and discipline to say no to something that’s not good for me.

    I think gluten (which I dug at the wedding) and dairy (in the frequent cheese and paneer) also impact my gut. But I’m not ready, yet, to let go of them.

    Will-power, I’m learning, is a muscle. The more we use, the stronger it gets. I’m looking forward to pushing it to the next level soon.

  • Day 13 – 16

    It’s a familiar world now. Fasting and detox feel like ways to rest your mind via the stomach. The cravings don’t have the same urgency.

    I enjoyed the benefits in Rishikesh. I had more stamina, I could wear Aria for longer. I was calmer, in general.

    I still need to improve my agility, build a workout routine and meditate on next steps.

    Less (with food and consumption) feels like more.

    I’m liking this phase.

  • Day 6

    Sugar would be nice right now. In another time, I’d be having vietnamese iced coffee icecream from MeeMee’s right now.

    But instead, I’m having water. A part of me feels great though. The craving is becoming more cerebral and less urgent. It feels like I have more input to my mind on this. I can have a conversation, you know.

    Sure, you feel like it. But let’s have a glass of water and see how we feel about it?

    I couldn’t do that earlier. It felt like I was plugged into an inescapable matrix. I’m feeling early signs of mindfulness.

    This version of me doesn’t want to be imposing and dictatorial. I’m always reminded of the freedom my parents gave me to make my own choices. It’s helping me make these decisions now.

    And I’d continue to want the same for Aria and me. To communicate, understand and build a mindful relationship with foods and substances that can harm if abused.

    But to get to healthy, we must plug out of the obsession first. This challenge is that journey.

  • Day 4

    I miss sugar as a pick-me-up. It’s not as acute in the mornings but as the day progresses, I miss the easy sugar energy. What’s the replacement?

    Protein and water. Damn!

    I need to sort my protein source and start preparing for it better.

    Will start with a light workout and a shake tomorrow.

    These notes are so random, really not worthy of anyone’s time. But it’s important to get this out.

    Reminding myself of the why

    1. I want to be the best version of me. It gets harder each day I say not today.
    2. Time is finite. You feel it now. If I’m at my best health, I can enjoy and make the most of every day.
    3. For Sharanya & Aria – and especially Shar, who has seen me at my lowest. She deserves better. They deserve a me who takes care of me.
    4. I love challenges. I like this feeling of discomfort and growth. It’s when I’m inspiring to myself, my friends and my family.

    PS – I’m really looking forward to Rishikesh next week because I’m tired of the concrete. Goa spoiled me with the greens. And I want all of us to experience expanse. And the mountains! Damn, how I’ve missed the mountains.

  • Day 1

    Teeth crave it. There’s a tingle and a desire.

    The brain goes to sleep without sugar. So this is going to be hard early on.

    Got home from Goa to delicious Diwali hampers full of sweet somethings.

    So hard to say no and move on. All the dopamine receptors are like I want.

    Post dinner’s been better. If I sleep well, I think the day will end better than it began.

    Gluten and dairy will have to wait a bit.

  • 21 Day Challenge #1

    I’ve risen and fallen many times doing these challenges.

    For every 9 I fail at, there’s 1 I sustain for longer and it becomes part of my life. I will always choose failed attempts at growth over surrender.

    So here’s another.

    My choice of food and movement has a disproportionate impact on my life, and the life of those closest to me.

    Sugar and dairy keep crippling my gut and it inevitably pulls me into a sad and hard place. I need to change that.

    Also, after spending 37 years with myself – I’m better at cold turkey-ing stuff that isn’t good for me.

    So here’s my first challenge:

    I’m saying goodbye to sugar, fried stuff, dairy, and gluten for 21 days starting 20th November 2023 until 10th December 2023.

    I’ll keep you posted on how it goes – expect some funny stories and maybe a recipe or two (if I find good ones).

    Your cheers, tips and trolling – all will help.

    PS – You become the company you keep. I want to be the person who inspires my friends, teammates and peers to challenge themselves (in big and small ways). This is a step in that direction.