21 Day Challenge #1

I’ve risen and fallen many times doing these challenges.

For every 9 I fail at, there’s 1 I sustain for longer and it becomes part of my life. I will always choose failed attempts at growth over surrender.

So here’s another.

My choice of food and movement has a disproportionate impact on my life, and the life of those closest to me.

Sugar and dairy keep crippling my gut and it inevitably pulls me into a sad and hard place. I need to change that.

Also, after spending 37 years with myself – I’m better at cold turkey-ing stuff that isn’t good for me.

So here’s my first challenge:

I’m saying goodbye to sugar, fried stuff, dairy, and gluten for 21 days starting 20th November 2023 until 10th December 2023.

I’ll keep you posted on how it goes – expect some funny stories and maybe a recipe or two (if I find good ones).

Your cheers, tips and trolling – all will help.

PS – You become the company you keep. I want to be the person who inspires my friends, teammates and peers to challenge themselves (in big and small ways). This is a step in that direction.